2. The women are getting to me .What can I do? How can I make them behave and submit?
Well, the problem probably isn’t with the women at all. So where is the problem? Unfortunately the problem is yours and here is one basic solution. Below are just two of the obvious scripture references, relating to your problem. YOU AREN’T TIRED ENOUGH! YOU aren’t taking advantage of one of our first blessings. Notice ,gentlemen, that the ground is “cursed” for our sake or benefit. YHWH is plainly blessing us with stuff to do and HE says its for our own good. Next look at the second reference here.
Most people just look at the rest part. You should look at the work part for a moment. This isn’t my opinion. Look at what HE says in verse 9. HE takes for granted that YOU are working hard 6 days and need a rest.
Jesus [PBUH] himself restates this when he reminds us that the Sabbath is for man. He also just takes for granted that you are working hard and need a rest
So ,if the women are getting to you first look at yourself .YOU need look no farther for the real problem. YOU just aren’t tired enough. Happy work to you.